भाजपा सांसदों का स्कोर कार्ड

वर्तमान लोकसभा में उत्तर प्रदेश से भारतीय जनता पार्टी के कुल दस सांसद हैं. हाल में संपन्न विधान सभा चुनाव में इन दस ने कुल मिलकर बारह विधायक जिताकर भेजें हैं – पचास सीटों से कुल बारह विधायक! प्रतिशत के हिसाब से पच्चीस फीसदी. इनमे से चार तो अपने-अपने यहाँ से एक विधायक को भी […]

हम डूबे तो क्या, वह भी तो डूबा!

मेरी एक आँख फोड़ दो ताकि पड़ोसी की दोनों आँखे फूट जाएँ. भारतीय राजनीती की धारा कुछ ऐसी ही है. हारने के बाद बेशक सभी पार्टियां कहती हैं कि यह वक्त उनके लिए आत्मावलोकन और आत्मालोचन का है, पर सच यही होता है कि उनकी नज़र अपने पड़ोसी की आँखों पर ही होती है कि […]

Leaders win; People lose

We have been hearing them shouting in the house. We have been seeing them fighting in the house. We have seen them taking bribes for raising questions. We have seen them tearing apart the law papers. We have seen them selling their phone and gas quotas. We have seen them selling their Local Area Development […]

Be Happy, Become Contented

We all want to be happy. Don’t we? We look for reasons to be happy. We wait for our birthdays and anniversaries to rejoice; we wait for Eid, Holi or Christmas to eat, drink and be merry; we wait for a new car to celebrate. We seldom become happy without any reason. Thus, we find […]

Who cares for Hindi laureates?

Recently I was in Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh) to deliver a keynote address on the birth anniversary of Late Vrindavan Lal Verma, an eminent Hindi novelist. It was heartening to see that at the entrance of the Railway Station stand magnificent statues of three of our great vernacular laureates – Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi, Maithili Sharan Gupta […]

Change does not happen overnight Anna!

It is good to note that Arvind Kejriwal has asked for suggestions from the general masses. His appeal comes after his meeting with Anna Hazare, so it will not be wrong to believe that this initiative has the approval of the veteran leader. Here is what Kejriwal had to say, “If we do not go […]